Chorley Springs Fishery

Specimen Pool

1 Acre(s)
- FishShare

Reached by driving along the entrance track and through the first field car park, the tree-lined Specimen Pool is completely different in character from the three smaller coarse pools, being much larger and having a more irregular shape, two islands but again with plenty of features and bankside cover.

This pool is equipped with spacious golden gravel pegs, some of them doubles, which offer a choice of swims to fish to and is served by its own car park.

During early 2010, 10 different carp over 20lbs were introduced into the water, four of them commons.

The largest fish on the complex is a mirror of 27lbs.

The recent stock fish are expected to grow rapidly.

Chorley Springs' stocking policy for the water will be ongoing with selected carp introduced regularly.

Indeed, it is estimated that the current carp stock levels are close to 100 fish with the smallest stocked fish being just over 12lbs.

The double first peg down the steps near the entrance to the pool offers several different swim to fish including down the channels to the left and right, towards the island or out in open water in front of the peg.

By contrast, the large double peg at the far end of the pool gives access to a wide expanse of open water and the choice of fishing in front of the peg, to the island or in the bays to the left and right.

It is expected Specimen Pool will react well to all types of fishing with both modern and traditional techniques both providing good sport.

Line strengths of 10lbs and over are recommended and all anglers must have a decent sized landing net and suitable unhooking mat.

When it comes to baits, boilies, pellets and meats of various guises are all expected to work well with floating baits including dog biscuits and bread expected to take their fair share of fish in warmer weather.

Whilst Specimen Poll has an average depth of seven to nine feet, it does have an undulating bottom and there is a sandbar which runs out from the far island towards the far bank.

Here the water shallows to about three feet.

No Rules Currently Available
