
Front Lake

1 Acre(s)
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Just over an acre in size with two islands, Front Lake holds 20 pegs and is well stocked with common, mirror and ghost carp into double figures with the average size being between 6lbs and 8lbs.

Fish in the 14lbs to 16lbs range are taken almost daily whilst 2015 had already seen the capture of several fish between 16lbs and 20lbs.

The last 12 months has seen several 18lb to 20lb commons being caught with the biggest recent fish coming in at 23lbs 10oz and 22lbs 0oz.

However, four regular anglers reported that they helped land and weigh a bigger fish of 27lb 8oz.

This common carp was taken by a lady 'dangling a maggot' whilst keeping her angler husband company on the bank side!In 2012, Liverpool angler Robbie Stirrup took an 18lb carp while fishing Peg 10.

The lake is also stocked with tench to 5lbs, bream to 8lbs with plenty around the 5lb mark, and roach up to 2lbs which have showed well in recent years.

As you approach the lake, the oldest part of the water is at the far end where Pegs 1, 2 and 3 give access to the original lake which offers well - established natural habitat with five feet in mid open water and two feet in the margins.

Although the pegs are not actually numbered they go from Peg 1 anticlockwise to Peg 10 at the outflow and from there round to Peg 20 under the large oak tree.

Although some may find the willow and nearby bushes an issue on Peg 1(left), this is more than compensated for by the fish that can be caught on this secluded peg.

Favoured areas are the entrance to the small cove on the left, which is only two feet deep but where plenty of fish hold up, and to the right under the willow.

This can prove particularly productive but when landing fish make sure you stop them from swimming under the overhanging ivy.

Peg 2 gives access to the overhanging oak tree for the brave, but you will need to be accurate with your casting and clip off your line once you have found the correct distance.

Perhaps easier is to fish the open water or close in to the side, especially on summer evenings.

Peg 3(right) is one of the most popular and productive pegs on the lake due to a choice of features and swims.

Directly in front and to the left depths are four to five feet in open water and about two feet in the margins.

Anglers have a choice between casting between the islands or fishing the left hand margin where there is an overhanging willow.

On the pole, a choice spot is the overhanging willow on the island directly in front.

Immediately to the right of the peg there is a ledge which runs straight to the island where the bottom drops down to six feet.

Peg 4 can be found just before the long straight bank and is six feet deep in the open water rising to shallower water towards the island.

The hot spot on this peg is in the near left hand margin under the small ash tree.

Peg 5, 6, 7 and 8 along the straight grassy bank by the track offers a nine feet wide two feet deep flat shelf which dives to six feet in the open water.

However, if casting towards the island bear in mind that a shallow ledge protrudes out from the waterfall.

These pegs are most productive either in the shallow margins around the bullrushes or where the shallow ledge drops away to about six feet of water.

Peg 9, after the boat jetty, is situated on a bend and has no marginal ledge with the depth dropping quickly into six feet in the open water.

Further out in front of the waterfall the depth rises to three feet.

Pegs 10 and 11 are to be found either side of the overflow pipe and are two of the most popular and productive pegs with the regular anglers.

It was on Peg 10 that the 147lbs was achieved in a three hour evening competition fishing the pole half way out.

However, the majority choose to fish in the margins just out from the reeds.

From Pegs 10 to 16 ledgering out to the island is not recommended because wherever stone can be seen around the island there is a very shallow 10ft wide stone covered shelf and you will snag.

However, smaller fish up to 7lbs like to cruise this shallow, warmer water which can often be seen swirling with fins.

Some regular anglers fishing Pegs 10 and 11 have found it very productive to fish a very short hook length and smaller hook just off the island.

Pegs 12 to 16 have access to the deepest water in the lake, with nine feet being found out in mid water.

Ledgering to the island from these pegs is not recommended whilst fishing the margins, particularly in the evening, often achieves cracking results.

Peg 17, known as the Pear Tree peg because it has a pear tree behind it on the bank, is a very popular peg.

From here you can fish either the margins, six feet deep in the open water in front of you, or ledger out to the cove facing you at the island.

If fishing close in, stick to just in front of the bullrushes to your right for the carp and bream as this is the spot where a 7lb 8oz bream was taken in Summer 2006.

Pegs 18 to 20 are the most sheltered pegs in windy conditions and are six feet deep in the open water rising to three feet around the island near peg 20.

Large carp can often be found tight to the island - but watch out for the overhanging branches.

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